Friday, May 13, 2011

The 40 Gallon Challenge

Photo by sciencehealth

Have you taken the 40 Gallon Challenge?

What is it? Well, this challenge is a voluntary campaign to reduce water consumption. Residents and businesses are called to reduce regional water use by 40 gallons per day. 

This is not only a personal challenge to help the environment and conserve resources; it is a national and regional challenge as well! Through the challenge website, pledges are being tracked by each state and I have some bad news. Kentucky isn’t doing so well!

It is easy to make a pledge. Simply select your state and provide your county and email address. From there you are given so many easy options to conserve lots and lots of water. You select the things that you can do. It might be washing only full loads of laundry, turning off the water while you brush your teeth or starting a compost pile. 

Visit the 40 Gallon Challenge and make your pledge! Let’s represent Kentucky and Woodford Co well!